Tuesday 17 December 2013

Waitomo Adventures - Tumu Tumu Toobing

15th December 2013

We have long heard about the black water rafting, 黑水漂 at Waitomo, and finally today we are there!!! We already booked a promotion price for Tumu Tumu Toobing at Waitomo Adventures. After picnicing at Hamilton Garden with Michelle and Janet, here we go!

We start our adventure at Waitomo Caves. It is actually an activity comprises of the best caving, black water rafting, and glow worm cave adventure! Waitomo glow worm caves are one a most fascinating natural wonder.

Black water rafting is actually not white water rafting under the ground. The water is mostly quite calm, with only a few if any rapids. First, we were fetched by a shuttle van to Waitomo Caves, where we change the wet suits and helmets for underground.

Group photo before we go undergound!

The first thing to do is to climb down the stairs to Waitomo Caves underneath.

The caves underground is full of stalactites. The water is really cold, and we have to be extra cautious while walking, as the depth of water varies while we walk. There are also big stones all around.

 Overall, it is a stimulating and fun adventure to us! We walk cautiously underground, soaking our boots in the cold water, and even jump into the water with the big life buoy. The most special scene is the blue light glow worms which is all over in the caves, it is an unforgettable beautiful scenery.

Glow worms like stars

There are some time when the water is too deep and our feet couldn't touch the ground! Hence we have to swim through it and I really enjoy this feeling! Tumu Tumu Toobing, an amazing experience in Waitomo Caves =)

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