Tuesday 22 October 2013

Alpacas Village at Bombay

Today is another excited day for us as we are leaving the strict homestay full with rules & regulations.
Bye Ashley house!

Our one week food storage, average NZD1 per person per meal :p
Bombay farm is located outskirt. That's why we have to prepare our one week food storage to bring there. Once reached, we immediately love our new home as it is so much freedom compared to our last stay. There is only 4 of us plus 2 taiwanese girls staying there. The homestay owner, Mr Kuo's son, has just finished schooling and he welcome us with his cute chubby face.

Benjamin, a naughty yet cute little boy 
Benjamin is a 6 year old little boy who is very active and talkative. He actively engaged to play games with us and busying to introduce us about his home. In the afternoon, he was like a small tour guide, bringing us to walk around the farm and teach us the way to feed the chicken and pick the eggs.

Naughty yet clever little boy
Here we go, feeding the chicken! We feed the chicken with leftover food. Surprisingly, neither the food nor the chicken smells badly. The air is so fresh!!


The alpacas, or named 驼羊 / 羊驼 / 草泥马 in chinese

The store room with lots of precious inside

Hey peacock, u are so proud to show off!

Awesome view! Can't believe this is where we stay for one week.

you see me, i see you. We are staying happily here.
Milu, a very guai, cute and active dog!

Alpacas, very cute, innocent and ngong kui kui

Country road ~ take me home ~ to the way ~ i belong ~

you guys are annoying keep looking at me, hrng! bye bye

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