Sunday 27 October 2013

Mount Eden, Devonport

Busy + Warm Day.

Today is the day where we need to get our WOF settled. Since the place is quite near to Mt Eden, we went to Mt Eden first in the morning. Mount Eden is a scoria cone, it is the second highest natural point in the whole of the Auckland region.

Picture with our baby green at peak of Mount Eden

Up... Up... Here we go up!

Breathtaking view of the Auckland City


Bombay -> 12292km from here

The Scoria Cone ~ DO NOT ENTER

We are so lucky that we've been to One Tree Hill few days ago without car, because the scenery while climbing up One Tree Hill is nicer and there's lots of sheeps along the route. Whereas for Mount Eden, since we've got our car, we drive striaght to the peak of the mountain. The weather is freezing cold, and we could see a good view of Auckland city in all directions. We walk around the crater with thick jackets, and yet there's people jogging there with singlet! Salute them.

Our next stop is Devonport, a harbourside suburd of Auckland. Devonport is a beautiful village by the sea surrounding by the stunning waters of the Waitemata Harbour. We have our evening walk there, seeing the dogs running freely around the greens, and children playing happily. There's even ducks walking on the grass! Oh my! 

Bird bird why are u following us?

Hang Fok doggie having evening walk at Devonport
Little duckling walking at the street!

To our surprised, New Zealand has traffic jam too. We were caught in traffic jam during our way back home, as 28th October is the labour day and it is their official public holiday. Hence, people are going out to enjoy their long weekend. Once we got back home, little Benji ran over to our house and asked us to go into his house, saying that he has something to show us.

Immediately when we stepped in, little Benji bring out the cake with the wordings "Happy Birthday to Dad". We were surprised that today is actually the alpacas village's owner, Mr Kuo's birthday! Little Benji is so thoughtful to called us around to surprise his dad! The cake is homemade by Misses Kuo, and all of us had an awesome and warm night at his house. Benji was so busy preparing all sorts of games and Q & A for us to answer (You are compulsory to answer his questions!), and we had a wonderful time chit chatting, playing hide and seek, and listening to Ben's piano.
Happy Birthday to Mr Kuo!

We can see a huge difference between a Malaysian kid and a kid like Benjamin who grow up here, everyday busy playing, feeding the chicken, running everywhere and yet he is REALLY intelligent; we hardly could answer his scientific question. A very loving night and it warms up my heart seeing a happy family. Feeling blessed.
Little Benji busy preparing

Benji playing piano while he direct us to sing and dance with the rhtym

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