Sunday 20 October 2013

The Very First Day

19th October.

It's hard to say.
It's hard to explain.
I really couldn't describe my feeling right now, but there's one thing to say:"
Dreams can DEFINITELY come true but u must
First, DARE to dream.
Second, got enough guts to PROTECT your dreams."
Thanks to all my fren who called and text me, my luggage is overweighted with lotsSS of love & blessings. Sorry if I didn't reply u or turned down your meal offer. This few days were real hectic to me. 
Here I go, a big question mark is awaiting for me and I'm gonna hug it tight.

Like a dream yet not a dream. Bye!
The goodbye moment

Saying goodbye with my family and bf, here I start my journey with a mixture of feeling. The feeling of nervous, excited, uneasy, worry, and most of all, the feeling of ANXIOUS as I know that there's a big unknown world is awaiting for me. It feels so unreal.

20th October. 
After a 10 hours tense and tiring flight (with lousy service of MAS), Will, Chuen, me and our new known friend, Corey has landed safely at Auckland airport at 1pm.

Overwhelming happiness among four of us!

kiwi bank, wat a cute name :p
 There's error with the air bridge and we were forced to wait inside the plane for about 30 min. However, this does not spoil our emotion as we were overloaded with excitement and enthusiasm. All our uneasiness and worried beforehand was gone once we saw "land of the long white cloud". We were late due to the delay. Luckily, we met a very friendly and enthusiastic homestay owner. The husband, Kevin rush us to the Kiwi Bank once he fetched us. Amazingly, we got our IRD and saving accounts done in less than one hour after we landed!

Throughout the way home, we were amazed by the greeneries scene at the Manukau city, our first night stay at New Zealand. I fall in love with this place immediately, the air is so fresh, there's greeneries everywhere and you don't even see any condo, apartment or all those “steel forest" as in Malaysia.

"Love at first sight.
Falling in love with this beautiful place once i stepped in here.
I think my eyesight will improve a lot, as everywhere every moment there's GREEN around us"

Ashley Homestay is a homestay founded by a small family from Taipei. The husband and wife are extremely warm to the backpackers like us. Stepping into the home, it's a very well-organized home with memo pads all around to remind the backpackers about some rules & regulations in the house. There's more than 10 ppl staying here, they're from everywhere like Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, or Taiwan. Hence the home is full of laughters and noise of all the backpackers. After settling down our luggage, Kevin brought us to a restaurant for takeaway service. NZD17 and this is what we get for 5 person.
We were shocked by the huge portion!

This is the first time we enjoy our dinner at the courtyard in the house. The cool wind is breezing towards us and our food instantly become cold, haha. A cute rabbit named "Mermaid" accompany us for the dinner :) In the end, the food is unfinished.

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