Wednesday 30 October 2013

Kariotahi Beach

Today is another day for us to do gardening job in exchange for one day accomodation. After work, we went to black sand beach, or named "Kariotahi Beach" recommended by Mr Kuo. Black sand beach is actually not a tourist attraction, it is a beach with black sand. Due to its uniqueness, this beach has attracts local people to play around there.

Once reach, we were surprised by the sand which is totally black, like charcoal! All of us wear shorts, as Mr Kuo suggested us to wear short pants so that we can have fun at the beach. However, the wind is freezing cold and all of us were trembling!!!
Purple seashell founded ~

Have u ever seen a beach with black sand?

黑沙滩大合照 1!

黑沙滩大合照 2!

Maori ppl catching the fish and cut it immediately on the black sand O_O

Finally, picnic at a casually found field because black sand beach is too coldddd for us! Happy day ~

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