Monday 4 November 2013

Heavy Hearted to Leave the Heaven

29th October

Finally, today is the day where we have to leave Alpacas Village. Four of us felt so heavy hearted to go, as the one week stay here has crafted a lot of beautiful memories to us. We've got a super nice owner Mr Kuo (A really nice person you couldn't imagine!) who loves to call us "stupid", the energetic Benjamin who is too smart and likes to kacau us, the good cook Rachel who always bake nice cake for us to try, the two pretty Taiwanese girls who are very friendly, the White Swiss German Shepherd who loves to manja and waiting us to bring her for the morning walk, the peacock who loves to show off his feather, the cute “走地鸡” who are chasing us for food, the ngong kui kui alpacas, the funny moo moo cow, and mostly, the sweet memories that last in our heart. Okay! Here's the last glance!

Beautiful memories...

I) The Alpacas
According to Mr Kuo, there are 4 species of camel family. The first one is the camel, 骆驼 that all of us know, and there are two species of camel: the one-humped camel, 单峰驼,or the two-humped camel, 双峰驼. Another species is called vicuna, 驼马. And finally, the last species, alpaca, 驼羊。 Years ago, two black alpacas were bought by Mr Kuo, as a pet for his one and only son, Benjamin. Since then, the cuteness and innocent of the alpacas deeply attracts the affections of the Kuo's family. That is how one alpaca came after one, and after one, after one, and until today, there are more than 20 alpacas in Mr Kuo's garden. I fell in love with this animal too, as they are very innocent and yet so adorable.

Hey, what are u looking at?

Can you see my ear ring?
Will said this male alpaca is like a female with heavy make up and mascara, haha


II) The Sheep
I can only say, sheep is EVERYWHERE in New Zealand O_O

Professional sheep knowing to look at the camera!

Where is my fur???
Baa Baa Black Sheep

III) The Proud Peacock
During the first day we reached Alpacas Village, everyone were so excited to see this peacock who loves to open up his feather. We ran and chase him, grab every single chance to capture the photo with his feather opened. And until today, everyone already used to its existance and nobody bothers this peacock anymore.
 This funny peacock really loves to open up his feathers, and his sounds is really funny. It usually comes with three or four tone, first tone is like a trumpet blowing "PUP", then it follows with "EEAAA" "EEAAA" "EEAAA". First time when we heard this, we felt so weird and wondering what is this sound, haha! And it is only now that I knew that only the male peacock will open up his feathers, not the female. And they SLEEP ON A TREE AT NIGHT!!!

IV) The Cute Chicken

Smart chicken, chasing for us whenever we are holding food 

Eyes closed! So enjoy!
V) White Swiss German Shepherd - Milu

sayang sayang milu
Eyes open!

VI) The Milk Cow and Moo Moo Cow Outside

They're eating grass all the time >_<

Take 1 ~ Aww, I'm scared!

Take 2 ~ ok ok, pretending to be OK

Using the grass to tempt them for a photo shooting!

Third milk cow was attracted

Oh, they are actually four!

VII) THIS IS WHAT WE SEE during our daily morning walk & evening walk!
        I always love to sing this song during my walk


笑意写在脸上 ~ 哼一曲乡居小唱 ~ 任思绪在晚风中飞扬
多少落寞惆怅 ~ 都随晚风飘散 ~ 遗忘在乡间的小路上”

The beautiful scenery along the roadside always enlightens me! This is part of what I see:

The cute hare

Mummy horse with little pony

                 Mummy with pony

Did you notice my striaght-line-eyes?

The always beautiful blue

Hi, am I ugly?

我有一只小毛驴我从来也不骑 =)

Pig eating grass?
We finally reach this rooster mailbox on the last day!!!

We had a lot of beautiful memories at alpacas village with Mr Kuo, little Benji, and the two pretty taiwanese girls.

The boy who loves to say "‘Hey guys!", "Follow me!" "What's you color?"
What's your weapon?

Inviting us to try the strawberries he planted
Chocolate brownies baked by the enthusiastical Rachel, it's really yummy!

The happy moment
Since we reach NZ, we don't dare to buy grapes as it's an expensive fruit.
It's so kind of Rachel to treat us this, it's really sweet!

Ok, play time! We were forced to play with Benji everyday. This creative little boy really can think of all sourts of games for us!

The balloon game who kepts us entertain!

Benji is excited with our camping time

At alpacas village, we did a lot of things that we usually wouldn't do at Malaysia. We've been trying to find for job since our first day here. We were able to get few contacts from our first homestay owner, Amy. After we called, there're few jobs available such as apple thinning, strawberry or courgette picking, and kiwi thinning. We've excluded apple thinning at first, because apple tree is really tall and we need to climb upa 3-metre tall ladder to pick the apple. There's also rumours that there's people who fell down from the ladder before. Hence, we're afraid of this job. Second option is the strawberry or courgette picking. This is a job which we need to squat down all the time to pick the strawberries or courgettes, because the tree is really short. We could imagine that how painful our backbone would be. Furthermore, this job needs us to work till February 2014. We don't want to be tied up for so long. Hence, we opt for the last choice - the kiwi thinning job. This is actually not a perfect job too, as this job required people with at least 165cm, due to the height of kiwi tree. I'm the shortest among 4 of us as I'm only 152cm (CRY~~~). Hence, we've been thinking all sorts of ways to increase my height. We went to the Auckland town to buy a 1.5 inch canvass shoes for me, and Mr Kuo suggested us to DIY a pair of clogs to be sticked under my canvass shoes. Here we go, starting our work!



All the woods and utensils to make this clog was sponsored by Mr Kuo, and this idea was suggested by him too! That's why I said, you can't imagine how nice this uncle is. You are allowed to walk around his farm freely to approach any animal you want, and he never hesitate to lend us a helping hand whenever we need. 贵人可遇不可求!

There's a saying "the happiest moments always gone faster". Finally, it's time to say goodbye. On the morning we left, little Benji came to hug us one by one to farewell with us. This little boy was obedient today to pose differently for us to take his photo! (This is rare, usually he loves to say "No Photo Please") I must say, he is really good in posing!


Goodbye Alpacas Village! Beautiful memory lasts forever.......

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